Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I Loved You Before I Met You

To my precious little Ava Renee:

It seems as though the months have dragged on so slowly, but at the same time... I look back on it and I just cant believe that I only have about 2 more months until I finally get to hold you, my princess, in my arms. Every week that passes, I feel you moving around in my tummy more and more. Its one of the most amazing feelings in the world! I can feel you flipping, kicking and you even get the hiccups at least once a day! My mommy used to say that I'd never understand the love a mother has for her child until I have one of my own, and although I have yet to meet you, I have already started to understand what she meant by that. I never could have imagined the love I feel for you already. Your daddy and I are still preparing for your arrival but are so excited and anxious for the day we both get to hold you in our arms. I just want you to know, that although you wont understand a lot of things until you yourself have children, everything your daddy and I do and every decision we make regarding you, will only be for your own good. You mean the world to us already and all we will ever want is the best for you. Daddy and I love you with all our hearts and your brother Tyler and sister Elise couldn't be more excited to finally meet you too. Elise kisses my tummy every time she is here and asks me when she can see you. I'm so happy to be your mommy and will always try my hardest to not only be the best mom I can be, but also your best friend.

I love you princess

Love always,
Your Mommy

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